Shooters celebrate club’s 100 years

ON TARGET: Present day members of the Mt Somers Rifle Club are (back row from left) David Millichamp, Eddie Millichamp, Joe McAdam, Stephen Millichamp, Kevin Fews, Olivia Fews, Tim Greer, Andy Oram, Brent Frame (middle row from left) Isaac Huggins, Taylor Fews (holding his recently-won Mt Somers Novice Trophy), Julian Evans, Bree Greer, (front) Peyton Fews. PHOTOS SUPPLIED
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Memories of many happy family times spent as part of the Mt Somers Rifle Club were recalled at the club’s 100th anniversary on Saturday.

David Millichamp, one of the organisers of the evening anniversary dinner held at the Mt Somers Rugby Club, said he was pleased to see more than 50 people gathered for the celebration.

Like many communities around New Zealand in the 1920s and 1930s, Mt Somers formed a rifle club.

‘‘I think the clubs formed and were very popular following both world wars, with many starting after World War 1,’’ Millichamp said.

Along with target and smallbore shooting, many people joined for the social aspect.

‘‘Rifle clubs have a big focus on this being a sport that families can do together,’’ Millichamp said

As long as a young person was strong and capable enough to safely handle a rifle, they were welcome to join a club.

‘‘I think shooting is great for teenagers, as it teaches them concentration skills among other things.

‘‘Over the years, and even today, we have generations of shooters. In some cases there are three generations of families shooting,’’ Millichamp said.

Club members from 1960 to 1980 (back from left) John Sandrey, Brian Sandrey, Neil Hydes, Mike Donnell, (front row from left) Alf Wightman, Bruce Harper, Les Huggins. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Members have competed in interclub, representative and New Zealand Target Shooting competitions.

‘‘Our district is well known for its ability to shoot well on all levels,’’ Millichamp said.

The club has had members go on to to achieve pleasing results in competitions, especially some of the junior members.

Over the years it had had good success winning Ashburton Rifle Association trophies.

This year membership numbers have dropped slightly, the club still has about 10 active shooters.

‘‘While it’s not a easy sport to take part in, it is one parents can do with their children. My dad shot. My daughter has also taken part,’’ Millichamp said.

Rifle clubs shoot from March through to about late September, and most clubs provide the gear for those interested in taking up the sport.