Carols in the Car Park

SPIRIT: Practising their singing for Carols in the car park are (from left) Jo Annear, Sarah Heney, and Nicki and Roy Rangihika.
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Bringing the community together is behind Ashburton Baptist Church’s Carols in the Car Park at the town centre church on Sunday.

Event organiser Roy Rangihika said the last event held three to four years ago was attended by about 300 people.

‘‘As people left our previous Carols in the Car Park they were saying they hoped we would do it again. I’ve been thinking about organising it, and this year decided to go for it.’’

The church’s music group, comprising musicians and singers, will lead the singing.

There will also be performances. Baptist parishioners Sarah Heney will sing and Jo Annear will recite a poem, while Inspire Faith Church will perform.

‘‘We are hoping to have other churches like the Salvation Army come on board,’’ Rangihika said.

‘‘We are offering the carols as a way to reach out to the community and unite everyone at Christmas.’’

The event will be in the church’s car park from 7pm to 9pm and indoors if wet. It is free and the church youth group is doing a sausage sizzle fundraiser.

The church will be doing some Christmas giveaways as part of evening.

– Ashburton Baptist Church Carols in the Car Park, 284 Havelock St, December 22 from 7pm to 9pm. Take a chair.