Wallaby dumped by person in dark clothing

File photo of a wallaby.
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A dead wallaby mysteriously dumped in Ashburton was dragged there by someone who drove to the site in a four-wheel-drive vehicle.

People walking to work early on Thursday noticed the creature on a bench on East St in the CBD.

District council group manager infrastructure and open space Neil McCann said the district council had reviewed footage from CCTV.

“It shows a 4×4 being driven into the West St carpark at 3.49am on Thursday, and a person then dragging the wallaby over the rail crossing to the timber seating,” McCann said.

“The vehicle was too far away from the CCTV to clearly identify, and the person dragging the wallaby was wearing dark clothing and was also unable to be clearly identified. We are considering if there’s other footage or information we can access in order to make an identification, but leaving a dead animal in a shared public space is an offence under the Public Places Bylaw and clearly inappropriate.