Tinwald game on

GOAL ACHIEVED: Tinwald Netball Club president Kirsty Clay (centre) and members (from left) Courtney George, Maia Boon, Shamika Epilo and Grace Wills looking forward to playing next year.
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The black and orange of Tinwald Netball Club will return to the courts next year after an absence of about 20 years.

It’s a goal founding president Kirsty Clay and fellow members have been shooting for, and now achieved – forming a club to keep Tinwald netballers on the court.

The newly formed club, with a 10-strong committee already in place, is for players from year 7 and up.

Clay said players graduating from Tinwald School had difficulty getting into a club at year 7 after leaving the primary school.

The issue had been raised by many parents over the years, she said.

In the past there had been an excess number of players who trialled for limited year 7 spaces at other clubs such as Allenton, Hampstead and United, she said.

‘‘We knew there was a need for it, especially on our side of the bridge.’’

Discussion among parents resulted in a meeting with Tinwald Family Sport & Recreation Association members.

‘‘As a result everyone is fully involved,’’ Clay said.

‘‘They’re thrilled to have us on board.’’

The netballers would fit in alongside Tinwald Rugby Football Club and Tinwald Cycling Club, and work with the rugby club during the winter season.

MORE OPTIONS: Netballers (from left) Courtney George, Maia Boon, Shamika Epilo and Grace Wills will be wearing the orange and black of Tinwald Netball Club on the courts next year.

‘‘We’re going through the background work (of setting up the club), forming a constitution, etcetera,’’ she said.

‘‘We are getting grants and applying for funding for uniforms – we have got the design.

It would bring players back to netball and give players a social facility.

‘‘Everyone wants to be part of a club and something bigger. Even as kids growing up you always remember going to the clubrooms, and that’s what it is about. We’re not there to make a profit, we just want to get kids on the court.’’ Tinwald Family Sport and Recreation (TFSR) copresident Rob Hooper said the return of Tinwald Netball Club was a ‘‘huge positive’’.

‘‘Not only for netball in the district but the sporting landscape in Tinwald,’’ Hooper said.

‘‘There are great facilities at TFSR and seeing them utilised by other groups and organisations is fantastic,’’ he said.

‘‘We look forward to working alongside Tinwald Netball Club to help them grow their club. The Tinwald Netball Club has a proud history and seeing it getting back on the courts again is exciting.’’

Mid Canterbury Netball Centre manager Erin Tasker said the establishment of a new netball club in the district meant more variety for the competition.

‘‘It’s really exciting that we’re going to have Tinwald junior teams playing next year, as it will provide more options for those year 6 players moving in to year 7 and 8 netball,’’ Tasker said.

‘‘Up until the past couple of years, there’s been limited options for kids once they hit year 7, and as a result we would lose some of those players as they didn’t necessarily know where to go,’’ she said.

‘‘A number of town schools enter teams in our winter competition, but for those schools who finish at year 6 like Netherby, Hampstead and Tinwald, the only ‘town’ clubs with teams in our competitions were Hampstead and Allenton, other than that you were looking outside of town like Southern, Methven and Rakaia,’’ she said.

‘‘But last year United also entered teams in that year 7 to 8 space, and the year before that Ashburton Christian School also came on board as another affiliated school, so that’s all been great for us. It means more variety in terms of the clubs in our competitions.’’

Already through word of mouth Clay said there had been player interest resulting in two confirmed teams; a year 7 side, and a women’s social team.

‘‘Our Tinwald School team – our current year 6s are going to come over because it’s year 7 and above – they are going to bring their established team with their coach,’’ Clay said.

‘‘And then there was already a Tinwald South social team who operated by themselves, they are teaming up with us as well.’’

However, an indication of other player interest was needed to source uniforms, she said.

Clay’s own daughter will be eligible to play in 2026.

She said the club could also suit pupils from Longbeach and Lagmhor schools.

A register of interest would be available via a link on the club’s Facebook page.

‘‘Whether it’s a whole team coming to us or individuals, we will do trials if the need is there,’’ she said.

The club, located on Shearman St next to The Plains complex in Tinwald, has two outdoor courts which committee members plan to have relined, and lights in place for practices, Clay said.

‘‘It’s actually very cool … very exciting. It’s been a long time since Tinwald club had netball.’’