The district council will investigate introducing a cat management policy.
Cats could have to be “snipped and chipped”, that is desexed and microchipped, similar to what several other councils around New Zealand already require.
The district council will consider a recommendation from its biodiversity advisory group that it introduce such a policy.
Methven and Foothills Birdsong Trust members told group members at a meeting this week desexing and microchipping would reduce the number of cats that “go feral”.
Member Barry Maister said there was completely uncontrolled breeding amongst stray and feral populations.
“It’s estimated that each unspayed female can produce more than 300 kittens in a lifetime and this number
exacts a very heavy toll on all native fauna,” Maister said.
Mayor Neil Brown said in the Council Brief weekly newsletter it was important any such policy would actually work.
“And that may mean education is key, rather than enforcement,” Brown said.
“I look forward to this discussion around the council table as cats are much-loved members of many households in the district.”