‘Just a carrot’ – Doubt over second bridge as programme released

RELIEF AHEAD: Council have agreed to splitting the funding cost of a second bridge over the Ashburton River.
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Release of the National Land Transport Programme 2024-2027 this week has emphasised a lack of funding available for building Ashburton’s second bridge.

While the programme has named the bridge as a key priority, the listed cost of $113 million is substantially lower than the latest cost projection of $130 million.

The government will fund at least 51 per cent of the $113 million, this figure having been taken from a 2022 business case. The district council will be seeking a much higher proportion from central government, as the burden of remaining funding falls on its shoulders.

So far, the district council has allocated just $7.5 million to the project.

Rangitata MP James Meager told The Ashburton Courier yesterday it was still ‘‘the absolute aim’’ for building of the bridge to start within the next two years.

National promised at the election last year that building would begin in its first term.

‘‘I’m as keen as anyone to make sure we stick to that timeline,’’ Meager said.

But this commitment failed to impress at least one district councillor yesterday at a meeting of the district council.

Meager spoke to the meeting on items including release of the National Land Transport Programme.

Councillor Rob Mackle said indication the bridge was going to happen ‘‘is really just a carrot’’.

‘‘NZTA need to be aware they need to put their arms further into their pockets before anything is going to move forward,’’ Mackle said.