Fairton pool needs $70k

Save our pool, say Fairton School children, who want somewhere to swim next summer.
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The Fairton School community is seeking donations from businesses and individuals as it struggles to save its swimming pool.

The pool faces closure this summer as its lining is leaking, and is unlikely to be repaired in time.

The school’s Home and School committee is fundraising towards a $70,000 target, which is the cost of replacing the lining with tiles or fibreglass.

It has so far reached $12,000; $10,000 from a district council grant and $2000 from a pie fundraiser.

Home and School committee spokesperson Kim Mcilwaine said she and fellow committee members were brainstorming on further fundraisers; there were a couple in the planning stages.

Members were also reaching out for donations, and planned to install a permanent sponsorship board for the display of contributors’ names at the pool.

It would depend how quickly the funds were raised as to whether the pool would open this coming summer or not.

Fairton School has a $70,000 fundraising target in order to save the community pool.

‘‘It’s really disappointing for the kids I think, it would be a real shame because the kids use it every day in the summer for swimming in the afternoon,’’ Mcilwaine said.

‘‘Fairton is one of the very few schools that have their own pool so it would be a shame to lose it, so it’s not really an option.

‘‘We are determined to keep it.’’

Children at the school recently made colourful signs and gathered at the pool for a photo shoot with The Ashburton Courier to raise awareness for their cause.

For further information about making a donation, please contact Livia McGregor at the school on 308-9205 or [email protected]. nz