Good cheer in the community

Lowcliffe Women's Institute members Jude Vaughan, left, and Mavis Wilkins delivering specially labelled sweet treats to some residents in Ashburton.
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Two Red Riding Hood inspired women were out and about Ashburton last week skipping along with a basket full of goodies and spreading good cheer.

Well, maybe not skipping, but definitely trying to spread good cheer.

The ladies, Mavis Wilkins and Jude Vaughan, are stalwart members of Lowcliffe Women’s Institute.

They had a basket full of specially labelled homemade chocolate chip biscuits for delivery as part of the WIs national awareness month.

Mavis said October was WI awareness month and, as part of letting people know about the WI in their community, Lowcliffe members were delivering ‘Have a cuppa on WI’ packets to some residents and businesses in Ashburton.

The 50 made up packets had two teabags and four homemade biscuits in them.

‘‘It is to spread the word of WI as well as doing our project for the year which was about ‘looking for opportunity in your community’,” she said.

The sweet delivery was based on an idea from WI members in Poverty Bay.

The Lowcliffe WI’s also had a large supply of manchester (sheets, towels) being donated to Ashburton refugee settlement support, via Mid Canterbury Community House, to help Afghanistan families settle into Ashburton.

Kathy Harrington-Watt, team leader of the Refugee Settlement Support Service Ashburton, had recently spoken to members of the Mid Canterbury Federation of WI’s about the needs of new families, Mavis said.

The support centre was looking for any donations to help new refugee families settle in Ashburton. There are currently seven refugee families in Ashburton, with two more due to arrive soon and new families arriving around every six weeks. Items can include household items such as kitchenware, pressure cookers, sewing machines, TVs or bedding.