Ashburton’s Sammy Holden is encouraging others to apply for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.
The 22-year-old, who holds leadership positions in her netball team and at work, attended the course, held in January this year. It involved a variety of activities and speakers.
‘‘A fellow employee is a Rotarian, and he shoulder tapped me saying he thought I would enjoy the course and encouraged me to apply. Given all I got out of the course, I am now encouraging others to apply,’’ Holden said.
‘‘I got a lot out of the course and it has helped me in my work as I have now taken on more leadership roles,’’ she said.
Presentations Holden had got the most out of was one on mindset and another on how to work through fatigue. The skills acquired at the fatigue presentation had been put to good use in recognising it in herself and her colleagues.
‘‘It was good to learn about different coaching styles and discover what your own style is,’’ she said.
Holden found the course particularly inspiring being with others her own age who shared the same outlook on life.
‘‘I had a ball and would encourage others to attend. We have kept in touch and are getting together this month.’’
She was surprised at the end of course dinner, dance and award night she had helped organised, that her peers had voted her ‘‘best coach’’.

The Ashburton Plains Rotary Club are seeking young people with an aspiration to be leaders to apply for the club’s sponsorship for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards in January 2025 at College House in Christchurch.
For about 50 years now the club has sponsored two to three young people each year to attend the four day live-in course.
Nominations are now open for those aged between 18 and 25-years-old to attend the 2025 RYLA course, with course costs paid by Plains Rotary.
Plains Rotarian Ray King said while there was no expectation young people would consider joining Rotary, it would be nice if they did.
‘‘Our club is looking for more members because with more members we can do more, especially for youth which is a focus of our club,’’ King said.

Clubs that sponsor a young person to attend the course are invited along to the end of course function.
‘‘At Ashburton Plains Rotary Club we want to sponsor young people to attend the course as our club has a focus on youth because they are our future,’’ King said.
The club uses money raised from their Christmas potatoes sales and the annual car rally to fund their projects.
– Applications close for the RYLA course on September 30 and can be made through rotarydistrict9999.org or email [email protected]