Methven vintage car rally, and gala

Michelle and Gavin Munro, and Paul Chapman (right), take a break on the running board of the MunrosÂ’ 1928 Ford Model A at Orari Gorge. Photo file.
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Vintage cars will converge on Mid Canterbury roads from this week when the 2023 National Ford Model A Rally sets up in Methven.

The week long rally, which alternates between the North and South Islands every two years, is being hosted by the Canterbury Chapter of the club who have chosen Methven as their base.

Organising committee spokesperson Brent Miles said people with 123 cars from across New Zealand were attending as well as from Australia and as far as the United Kingdom.

Ford Model As are vintage cars built between 1928 and 1931, by Henry Ford.

‘‘This year as the South Island hosts, the Canterbury Chapter has chosen to centre the rally in Methven to highlight the Mid Canterbury district and its attractions.’’

The rally will be based in Methven, at the Mt Hutt Function Centre, but organisers have an extensive programme for participants which will see them travel all over the district including high tea at Winchmore Gardens, rally runs to Terrace Station Hororata and Lake Heron Station.

There will also be free days to explore Ashburton and Geraldine.

Mr Miles said members of the public will be welcome to attend a Gala Day at Methven Racecourse on Sunday, March 5 from 10am.

‘‘This will be a great opportunity for interested locals to engage with our participants and view the owners’ cars which will be on display,’’ he said.

There will be more than 100 Model As on show and everyone is welcome.

Many of the owners will also be in clothing from the era.

‘‘We also have activities for these owners to compete in- a gymkhana (lots of fun challenges for the cars and their drivers) and a motor assembly challenge.

There will also be a coffee, ice cream and food vendor on site.

Mr Miles said any like-minded car enthusiasts were welcome to join the event ‘‘preferably with their vehicles’’.