Prizegiving success at MHC

Dux Emily Watson (left) and Proxime Accessit Victoria Talbot.
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Mount Hutt College named its 2023 Dux and Proxime Accessit at its senior prizegiving last week – Emily Watson and Victoria Talbot.

Emily said to hear her name called out as the top student for the year was ‘‘very special’’.

The 17-year-old plans to attend Victoria University in Wellington next year, to begin a Bachelor of Psychology. The degree was being newly introduced at the university for 2024.

Emily said she plans to undertake post graduate study in educational psychology, perhaps ultimately working for the Ministry of Education to assist with planning classroom environments for primary school pupils.

‘‘I really enjoyed school, so it is just to make it so other people enjoy it because I know it’s not the most enjoyable environment for everybody,’’ Emily said.

Victoria said she felt honoured to receive the runner-up award.

The 18-year-old planned to attend Lincoln University to undertake a Bachelor of Agriculture.

Having grown up on a cropping farm, she knew agriculture was an industry she would like to work in.

‘‘I love being out in the outdoors and learning where food comes from, how it gets to where it is on the plate, that paddock-to-plate concept,’’ she said. Í See pages 46 and 47 for full Mount Hutt College senior prizegiving results.