Sweet smelling enterprise

ECO-FRIENDLY: Mount Hutt College students and business partners (from left) James Ferguson-Cooke, Seb Booth and Lucas Plimmer.
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Three year 12 students from Mount Hutt College are in business, making eco-friendly air fresheners.

Seb Booth, James Ferguson-Cooke and Lucas Plimmer are part of the Lion Foundation’s Young Enterprise Scheme.

It’s a learn-by-doing programme that encourages students to set up and run real businesses.

The trio said the establishment of their company, called Rakau, was inspired by wanting to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Each wooden disc air freshener comes with a How to be an Eco-Warrior information card, featuring tips on rejuvenating Papatuanuku (Mother Nature).

Seb, who last month was among 65 youth selected for the Young Enterprise Scheme’s Entrepreneurs In Action Weekend in Wellington, said the trio set out to create ‘‘something that not only looks beautiful but also has a meaningful impact’’.

SHOWCASE: At the South Canterbury Young Enterprise Scheme Pitch Day are (from left) Leonie Rasmussen, Gordon Handy, Seb Booth, James Ferguson-Cooke, Ian Musson, Lucas Plimmer, Kaitlin Clews and Ben Millington. PHOTO SUPPLIED

They were motivated by statistics showing New Zealand’s native cover had decreased from 80 per cent to just 33 per cent, he said.

‘‘Our wooden disks are designed to bring a piece of New Zealand’s natural beauty into people’s lives while raising awareness about environmental issues.

‘‘We want to reconnect people with the environment and encourage them to take action to protect it. By highlighting the beauty and fragility of our ecosystems, we hope to foster a deeper appreciation and commitment to sustainability.’’

Rakau was one of 17 teams which recently pitched their business case to a panel of judges at the South Canterbury Young Enterprise Scheme Pitch Day.

– Rakau air freshener orders can be made via [email protected]