Twelve sections planned

MEDIUM DENSITY: Developers are wanting to rezone a 1ha block to enable residential development.
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A proposed new development on the Ashburton town boundary will enable at least 12 new residential lots.

Pajanti Ltd has applied to the district council to rezone about 1ha, at 259 Alford Forest Rd (State Highway 77), from Residential D (low density) to Residential C (medium density).

The district council is calling for further submissions for the rezoning application, named Private Plan Change 6, due by November 21.

In the written plan change application, consultant David Harford said the site, on the fringe of the town boundary, was suitable for rezoning as it could be connected to reticulated services and would boost the town’s housing supply.

The allotment size would range from about 590 metres square to more than 790 metres square.

DEVELOPMENT: Plan Change 6 relates to this block at 259 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton.

The site currently includes predominantly pasture with a driveway running along its southern boundary, with a residential unit and accessory buildings at its rear.

It is opposite the established residential area of Farm Rd/Harrison St and Alford Forest Rd, while bordering small farming operations to its west.

‘‘This proposed plan change aligns with use of land opposite this site which is existing Residential C zoned land,’’ Harford said.

The plan change received two submissions by the submission closing date of October 18.

They were from NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and Environment Canterbury.

NZTA said it was neutral towards the proposed plan change, and was happy a proposed road in the subdivision would be set back from the Farm Rd/SH77 intersection.

ECan neither supported nor opposed the proposal, believing it was generally consistent with the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement.

Further submissions must be limited to matters either in support or in opposition to the submissions.