Two caught drink driving

Police stop drivers on Alford Forest Rd last Thursday, for breathtesting.
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Two people were caught drink driving at police random breathtesting checkpoints on Thursday evening last week.

Police set up in several locations, including Alford Forest Rd, Racecourse Rd, Frasers Rd and Archibald St.

Senior Sergeant Mike Jones said both of the drivers have been summonsed to appear in court.

‘‘While overall the numbers were low, any person driving under the influence has the potential to cause a serious or deadly crash on our roads,’’ Jones said.

‘‘Police will continue to do our part to prevent and respond to those who think it is okay to get behind the wheel of the vehicle after drinking or consuming drugs.

‘‘We ask that drivers do their part and make good decisions. If you are going out and know that you want to have a few drinks, then make alternative arrangements to get home.

‘‘The community can expect to see us anywhere, anytime as we work to keep our roads safe.’’

It follows eight drivers being caught with excess breath alcohol in Ashburton after checkpoints on September 27.

Police at the time said they were ‘‘disappointed with Ashburton’s driving behaviours’’.